The New Big 5 project was featured in an article by Travel Africa Magazine. This project is a global initiative from over 250 wildlife photographers, conservationists, and charities to dispel the historic notion of the “Big 5 game” of hunting and transform it into the New Big 5 of conservation. This endeavor will raise awareness and support for conservation of endangered animals all around the world, and teach the value of shooting wildlife with a camera, not a firearm.

The old hunting “Big 5” of African wildlife consisted of the lion, leopard, rhino, elephant, and buffalo. Today’s New Big 5 features the lion, elephant, gorilla, polar bear, and tiger, which all act as iconic ambassadors for all of Earth’s wildlife. The project aims to unite all of the peoples of the world against human pressures that threaten these remarkable animals, including poaching, habitat loss, and climate change.

This recent article features over 20 pages that go into great detail about the work of the New Big 5’s photographers and supporting charities and conservationists, including the Lion Recovery Fund and several of the Wildlife Conservation Network’s Partners, such as Save the Elephants and Cheetah Conservation Fund. The article also features Dr. Jane Goodall, DBE, Conservation International, and Conservation Through Public Health, among many others.

Read the full article about the New Big 5’s work protecting lions and other wildlife here.