Grantee | Frankfurt Zoological Society |
Type | Protected Area Management |
Grant Amount | $1,103,281 |
Duration | 6 years |
De-snaring and Infrastructure Support to Serengeti National Park
The Serengeti NP contains one of the largest lion populations on earth. This population is threatened by a number of challenges including high levels of snaring of wild ungulates and illegal incursions of livestock. These issues threaten the long-term viability of the migration and also increase the prospects for human-wildlife conflict. LRF funding has helped FZS and TANAPA build up to deploy four de-snaring teams and 2 anti-illegal livestock teams which is having a significant impact at suppressing these threats. LRF funding has been essential at enabling these efforts to continue during the COVID pandemic when funding from the tourism sector dried up. LRF support has also provided assistance with understanding the dynamics and drivers of the bushmeat trade, to allow for more targeted tackling of the issue, and in building an effective local response to carnivore predation attacks on domestic livestock in adjacent villages through a range of human-wildlife conflict mitigation methods.